Nudge Challenge Week 61 = Do Scary

NUDGED: "Do something that scares me"

BACKSTORY: My theme/resolution/motto for 2019 is "Be Brave" and what a year it has been! I have done many things out of my comfort zone and have learned to be brave in a variety of situations, in addition to completing 60 nudges to date. I was excited to draw this nudge and work on it more this week, as a chance to continue to look for things that scare me, then do them. There is so much freedom after the initial fear!

QUOTE: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone" - Neale Donald Walsch

or the background image on my computer:

quote to do what scares me

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK:  Admittedly, this nudge wasn't as scary as it would have been a year ago. I'm so proud of how much I have grown and how many new things I have tried (and survived!). It was actually difficult to come up with a list of scary things to do this week.

I made a list of things I haven't done before, like riding on a snowmobile or tubing down Great Bear. I quickly realized that just because I haven't done something yet, doesn't mean that I am scared to do it. I just haven't done it yet, and maybe I never will.

I decided to stay open to whatever opportunities came up this week, and to stay engaged rather than run away if I feel hesitant. Two moments appeared....

1) A funny thing happened to me last weekend that was somewhat embarrassing, so instead of hiding it, I decided to Snapchat my mistake to loved ones and then made a post on a related Facebook group that would appreciate (laugh at) my error. I got many good comments and "likes," and my embarrassment disappeared. Vulnerability is scary but the connection it produces is worth it.

2) I ate food that is out of my comfort zone when a coworker brought it into work this week. I tried his homemade goose pastrami, along with raspberry and jalapeno cream cheese dip with crackers. I have tried eating goose once before and it was really bad (ick!!) but my coworker dared me to try it this way. Without thinking, I picked up a small piece and ate it. He quickly commented, "I can't believe you ate it!"

LESSONS LEARNED: New situations and foods are not as scary after spending almost a year getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. I am willing to try new things, as I know the anxiety before doing it is temporary. I am strong enough to make it through. My yearly theme is almost done, but the lessons and courage from this year will continue.

NEXT UP: The new nudge I drew this morning perfectly fits for this Christmas week ahead: "Increase simplicity in my life". With all our technology, life has gotten more complicated. My to-do list is ever growing and I feel like I am busy just trying to keep up. I want to pause and reflect this week on what I am doing and find ways that I can simplify my life.

Merry Christmas, friends! Wishing you a wonderful, peaceful week! Thanks for reading!!


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