Nudge Challenge Week 24 = Should I?

NUDGED: "Watch my shoulds"

BACKSTORY: The nudge this week came from a friend's suggestion. We were chatting over coffee, and she noticed I often said I "should" do things but it sounded like I really didn't want to. She suggested this nudge as a way to assess my true feelings. Does my "should" actually mean "have to" or was it optional? 

QUOTE: "Our greatest danger in life is in permitting the urgent things to crowd out the important." - Charles E. Hummel

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I was very aware of my words again this week, and paid careful attention to every time I used the word "should". I didn't use it as often as I initially thought I would, but that may be because I was careful to use a different word instead!

I made a list of my commitments (obligations) and a list of my wants (optional). Seeing it all listed out on paper made it so easy to clearly see what should be the priorities in my life. I realized that I sometimes struggle with this and spend time on things that are not important.

Going in to this week, I assumed most of my "shoulds" would be in relation to things I felt I had to do but didn't want to. That usually wasn't the case. Many shoulds turned out to be things that would enhance my life but I wasn't doing them like I should. For example:
  • I love to write and feel better when I do, but I haven't spent much time writing my honest feelings in awhile. It was something I knew I should do for my mental health, but wasn't doing. 
  • I should spend more time in prayer but have been neglecting that sacred time. I always feel better after I pray, so why don't I do it more? 
  • I read about an idea this week that I really liked and wanted to put into practice after telling myself that I "should" do it - writing moments of joy that happen each day. These can be simple things like a good conversation with a friend, a cup of coffee, a joke that made you smile, etc. This practice makes you more aware of the joy moments that happen each day (and are sometimes overlooked!). 
Needless to say, I was convicted! I decided the next step would be to put the "good shoulds" into action! I spent time writing and in prayer last night, and have been noting my "joy moments" each night. So simple. Why did I wait so long? I should have started sooner!

LESSONS LEARNED: I'm glad I had this week to re-assess what my priorities are. By doing that, I was able to realize what things are NOT priorities, even if I feel like I "should" do it. My takeaway then is to continue to pay attention to my "shoulds". If it is something that will make my life better or help someone else = DO IT! If it is really optional and my heart is not in it, then don't.

NEXT UP: I'm excited about this one as it will complement nicely my new nightly practice of writing moments of joy that happened during the day! My nudge for this week ahead is to "take a photo each day of something I love". My goal is to have at least 7 photos for 7 days. And, go!


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