Nudge Challenge Week 96A = New Writing

NUDGED: "Write in a new way"

BACKSTORY: My original intent for this nudge was to learn to write in Shorthand like my Grandma did. I have an old book that teaches it, but I have struggled to learn it each time I have tried. It's all dashes and lines to me! 

This week, I want to take something "basic" (writing) and do it in a new way. Maybe I will revisit Shorthand this week, or maybe I will try to write in cursive again? Maybe I can try hand-lettering as something new. I love options!

QUOTE: "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him about your plans." - Woody Allen

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I started the week with writing in cursive. I usually print and haven't used cursive for decades. It was slow at first! I had to think about each letter and write it slowly. It took me 10x longer to write! I wanted to keep with it though, and was curious to see if my writing got better the more I did it. 

Then, my plans changed and week derailed with a number: 101.1. 

I woke up on Wednesday morning with a high fever (101.1) and no sense of taste or smell. Three of my coworkers have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last two weeks, so it wasn't completely unexpected as I knew I had been exposed. It was not what I wanted to deal with! 

I got tested that morning and got the results that evening: positive. 

I am now isolated at home for 10 days. I am drinking lots of fluids and resting a lot. It has cancelled all my plans, which includes working on this nudge. I have decided to extend the nudge another week then so I can continue to work on it as I am able. Please bear with me!

LESSONS LEARNED: I find myself learning so much about COVID this week and not writing, as I had intended. Let's go with it then! Here's a few things I have learned this week:

1) The virus affects each person differently. My coworkers and I all have different symptoms and it has affected us in different ways. I'm grateful that I don't have some of the more severe symptoms (chest pain, shortness of breath). 

2) Sleep and fluids are good. I'm letting myself rest when needed and not pushing myself. This means no walks for the dog right now! She is bummed. 

3) Isolation is tough, but I am surrounded by love and prayers. I have received so many texts and messages from people. Several have dropped off items at my house, which I really appreciate. I may be physically alone, but I am not really alone. 

4) Essentials for me to get through this: tylenol, chicken noodle soup, purple Gatorade, comfy blanket that goes with me everywhere, and phone to stay connected to support.

5) I have more compassion and understanding for those that have the virus. It is not easy to go through! I am hoping my experience can help others who will get it in the future. I will be there to support them as I know what it is like.  

NEXT UP: I am going to have a re-do on this week. "Write in a new way" will also include me writing in new circumstances!

Going to take a nap now. Take care, all!


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