Nudge Challenge Week 96B = New Writing
NUDGED: "Write in a new way" (re-do week!)
BACKSTORY: My original intent for this nudge was to learn to write in Shorthand like my Grandma did. I have an old book that teaches it, but I have struggled to learn it each time I have tried. It's all dashes and lines to me!
This week, I want to take something "basic" (writing) and do it in a new way. Maybe I will revisit Shorthand this week, or maybe I will try to write in cursive again? Maybe I can try hand-lettering as something new. I love options!
QUOTE: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!"
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: Take two! I am finally feeling better, after feeling like I got hit by a bus for 8 days. I am grateful to be healthy again and grateful for all the calls, texts, messages and deliveries this past week. I have the best friends and family! You are so appreciated by me.
I paged though the Gregg Shorthand book. My edition has a date of September 1945! It didn't make a lot of sense to me. I didn't study it in school and haven't used it on a daily basis. It would take me a long time to learn it and I wouldn't use it, so I just spent my time admiring this lost art. I reviewed the pages of lines and circles and took note of words that have a special meaning to me: love, heart, dog, and coffee.
I started writing more in cursive this week too. I usually print, and found writing in cursive to be difficult and slow. It got better as I wrote more. I realized my struggles with cursive is the reason I struggle with hand-lettering! I can't get beyond the first few pages of a tutorial book on hand-lettering because my cursive doesn't look like the fancy script shown in those pages. The more I wrote in cursive this week, the more I was inspired to actually try hand-lettering...with my own writing style!
I started a new book on hand-lettering and really enjoyed it! The focus was on practicing and doing it for fun and relaxation - not perfection! Each chapter was a new "workshop" with a practice phrase or design. The above quote for this week was actually a practice phrase I did! Loving this and will continue!
LESSONS LEARNED: I really like working on hand-lettering, now that I found the right book to teach me and have plenty of time to practice! I will remember to take the pressure off myself to be great at it right away, and just allow myself to enjoy the creative outlet. It will get better over time.
NEXT UP: I am ready to move on to a new nudge! The next one will be "Learn something about my city's history". Good one! I was born and raised in this city and know some of the history, but there is always more to learn! I drive by historical signs all over town and never take the time to read them or learn something new about local history. Time to explore this week!
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