Nudge Challenge Week 83 = Shoes

NUDGED: "Wear different shoes every day"

BACKSTORY: This nudge comes from Kathleen's 2.0 list of nudges and it intrigued me. While I own many pairs of shoes, I tend wear the same ones most of the time. Tackling this nudge would be a way for me to get my feet out of their literal comfort zone and try different shoes! It would also be a great way to "pair down" what I have or see if I need to invest in more....

QUOTE: "Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." - Marilyn Monroe

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: Each day this past week, I wore a different pair of shoes. Some days, I wore two different pairs of shoes - dressy shoes during the day and casual shoes in the evening. I actually didn't have any difficulty rotating my selection. I could always find a new pair to wear.

Picture of black pants and black shoes
Black shoes and pants for work
It was actually very comfortable for me to wear different shoes, with the exception of my new leopard-print flats. That pair was something very different for me than what I usually wear, but I soon adjusted and really liked the look of them!
Picture of leopard print shoes with jeans
My newest pair of shoes!
LESSONS LEARNED: There was a gap between expectation and reality for me this week. I expected to struggle with this nudge and proclaim I need to buy more shoes...but the reality was that I have more than enough.

I counted and found I have 33 pairs (not including sandals, flip-flops or formal occasion shoes). That means I could wear a different pair each day for five weeks. Enough. I have enough shoes. I need to wear them (if they are comfortable!) and be grateful for what I have.

NEXT UP: My new nudge is "make a craft from Pinterest". Looking over my complete list of nudges, I actually found this nudge listed three times! It is something I always want to do, but never move beyond saving cute craft ideas on Pinterest. This week, it is time to create!


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