Nudge Challenge Week 80 = Jump Rope

NUDGED: "Jump rope"

BACKSTORY: When I came up with my list of nudges/challenges, I decided to add activities that I enjoyed when I was younger. Jumping rope was an activity I did a lot growing up but haven't done in many years. I was curious how it would feel to try it again. Would it give me joy as an adult? I just hope I don't injure myself!


Quote of the heart saying to give it a try

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I found a jump rope in my fitness drawer, hanging out with other forgotten items. The weather was beautiful this week, so I had no excuse to not try it. I was a little nervous at first that I would hurt myself.

I completed the first jump (YES!) before catching my feet on the second jump (booo). It was far more challenging than I remembered. I struggled to complete 10 forward jumps, then tried until I finished 10 backward jumps (swinging rope behind me then jumping).

Full disclosure - It was not pretty. I was not a graceful jumper. There were never more than two completed jumps in a row. It was painfully slow. I didn't hurt myself but did trip on the rope a lot. 

I quickly grew tired. Who knew jump roping was so much work?! I checked the nudge as complete and tucked my jump rope away in the fitness drawer, where it will live in peace for another decade or so.

LESSONS LEARNED: Not every nudge resonates with me the same way. There are some weeks that it clicks and sticks, like the week I tried meditation. I have continued to meditate every day since that week. Other weeks, I complete the nudge and move on. This was one of those weeks.

I don't consider this week a failure. I am proud of myself for actually trying things on my list and getting out of my comfort zone. How many other adults try jump roping after 20+ years? I know I won't be doing it again any time soon, but the sense of accomplishment will stay with me for awhile.

NEXT UP: My new nudge for the week is to "have lunch outside." I am a creature of habit, and my habit is being "indoorsy". I don't eat outside very often, especially when I have the choice of a place without bugs and temperature fluctuations. This nudge will get me out of my comfort zone of my house...and into nature!

EXCITING NEWS: I am so completely honored to have one of my past nudges featured this week on the original 52Nudges blog. Check it out! I know I will be tuned in to see how it goes for her! Good luck this week, Kathleen!

And thanks for reading! It's comforting to know that we can all still be connected and cheering each other on from all over the world. I appreciate your support!


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