Nudge Challenge Week 64 = CPR

NUDGED: "Renew CPR training"

BACKSTORY: I used to be trained and certified in CPR and first aid, but I haven't renewed my certifications in a few years. It's pretty morbid, but I think about this occasionally and wonder if I would remember what to do in an emergency. I'm also really scared of choking and have nightmares about it (myself or others). Getting my CPR training renewed has been an item on my to do list for years (yikes!) but I have been too scared/intimidated to actually do anything about it. Until drawing this nudge, that is!

QUOTE: "Take some time to learn first aid and CPR. It saves lives, and it works." - Bobby Sherman

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I looked into the different options - taking a class in person or taking the class online. If I took the class in person, I would have an instructor to ask questions and can physically perform the techniques, but would have to wait a few months until a class becomes available. The online class was appealing to me because I could take it now, from the comfort of my home, at my own pace (meaning taking lots of notes and pausing to process). I chose the second option.

I signed up and took the American Red Cross Adult CPR/First Aid/AED class online over the course of two nights. It cost $35 and involved a series of videos to teach the material. There were 22 modules or missions to complete, each involving potential real world situations. It said the class would take approximately 2 hours and 10 minute to complete, but it took me about 3 hours and 15 minutes as I took my time. I am now certified in CPR again!*

*The course did not meet OSHA requirements for workplace certification. That's okay as I may take it again in the future for my work to be fully certified. I will feel much more confident when that training occurs!

LESSONS LEARNED: Instead of worrying about something, educating myself helps me to find peace. I was able to walk through a variety of scenarios and learn how to respond. My fear has greatly decreased. And it felt good to cross a long-time item off my list!

NEXT UP: Instead of drawing a new nudge for the week, I am going to work on a new nudge that is on my mind right now. I will "complete a sewing project" this week. I realized at Craft Day on Friday that I have Project ADD - I like to start new projects but struggle at finishing any of them. I have more then 10 sewing projects in progress right now....  My goal is to get ONE done this week!


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