Nudge Challenge Week 63 = Strength

NUDGED: "Focus on strength"

BACKSTORY: I have always struggled with my strength, or the lack of it! I actually quit gymnastics as a kid because I couldn't do the monkey bars (true story!). As an adult, I see the importance of being strong in body and the many benefits as you age. I have been working on completing my first unassisted pull-up for two years but have made little progress so I get discouraged. It's time to re-evaluate my strength goals this week.

QUOTE: "Being stronger in the gym gives you a push to go out and try activities you've always wanted to do, but weren't sure if you could." - Nia Shanks in "Lift Like a Girl: Be More, Not Less"

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I did a little each day to work on increasing my strength, including push-ups from the floor, planks, bar hangs and squats. I went to the gym twice this week and completed one home workout, all focusing on strength training.

Did I see progress? Honestly, not much.

Perhaps the bigger story this week was that I reviewed all my strength training goals and assembled them into a bucket list of major life goals. Since a pull-up feels so far away, I created smaller, more attainable goals to complete first to work up towards the big goals. I am once again motivated now that I see the path forward.

LESSONS LEARNED: It takes many small steps to produce the big gain. I can't complete my big goals without the small steps. I was reminded to stick with it even when I don't see results instantly, and to keep working on the smaller goals. I will reach my big goals eventually if I keep trying.

Picture with quote to go one step at a time.

NEXT UP: My first impulse after I drew the nudge for this week was to throw it back. Ha! While some of my challenges may seem easy to you, they are all challenging to me and out of my comfort zone. I didn't throw it back though. The nudge this week is to "renew CPR training". I understand that this may not be completed this week (wait for class!), I do want to make positive steps to get this big goal done (research and sign up for a class). I have procrastinated on it even though I feel it is very important for me to do. It's time to get on it - small steps!


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