Nudge Challenge Week 40 = No Distractions

NUDGED: "Write for 1 hour with no interruptions"

BACKSTORY: I enjoy writing but find I do it in short periods of time a lot recently - ten minutes here, five minutes to jot down an idea there. My mind is always racing from one thing to the next. I get interrupted and distracted a lot. What would happen if I forced myself to write for one hour without any interruptions or distractions? Would I run out of words to say before my hand cramps? I was determined to find out with this challenge! 

QUOTE: "Multitasking is the art of doing twice as much as you should half as well as you could." - Anonymous

I prepared my space with paper, pens, glass of water, a blanket and a lap desk. I then set the timer on my phone and put it out of my reach so I wouldn't be distracted. I gave myself an hour to write. As a thought pertaining to this nudge came to me, I jotted it down to remember how the hour felt. Here's a few thoughts that occurred to me in that time:

  • 5 minutes in - so many thoughts to journal! Made a list of ideas and topics so I don't forget. 
  • 17 minutes in - what if my pen dies with all this writing?!  
  • 28 minutes in - my hand hurts
  • 33 minutes in - it is so quiet in the house. I am enjoying it! 
  • 38 minutes in - phone on vibrate and I just heard text messages coming in. I want to check it in case it is important, but I won't. Losing focus. Anxious to see messages. 
  • 39 minutes in - my handwriting is getting messier as the time goes on
  • 43 minutes in - getting hungry and want a snack. Can't get one now as it would be an interruption. Can't stop yet! 
  • 46 minutes in - just wrote about coffee now I am craving coffee. Stay seated, Carrie. 
  • 50 minutes in - hand really cramping
  • 59 minutes in - I really have to pee but will stay seated. Still wondering about text. And craving coffee. 
  • 61 minutes in - I made it! I just finished writing a thought as the timer went off. Hand tired but heart happy. Checked phone - texts not crucial. 

It was actually really difficult for me to focus for an entire hour on just writing. I had the urge to get up many times to go to the bathroom, check texts, get something to eat, work on other projects, etc. but I stayed where I was and kept writing. It felt like a LONG hour at the time, but in hindsight, it went by quickly.

I also spent an hour watching mindless television this week and an hour reading. Oddly enough, both of those hours didn't feel as long as when I was writing. I was distracted though. I noticed how often I start and stop other projects, or my mind wanders. Focus is hard for me.

LESSONS LEARNED: I multi-task way too much. My mind is always racing with other thoughts and ideas, and onto the next thing and not on the present moment. I always feel like I don't have enough time. It felt good to focus on one task this week, telling myself that other tasks would still be waiting on my to do list when I got around to them. I need to spend more time in the present moment, engaging in the present activity fully.

NEXT UP: "Tell the truth - no lying for one week". Ouch. This may be tough. It is so easy for me to tell little lies to people so they can hear what they want to hear. I will watch my words this week so avoid both big and small lies. That may mean more silence then instead!


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