Nudge Challenge Week 62 = Simplicity
NUDGED: "Increase simplicity in my life" BACKSTORY: Perfect timing to work on this nudge during the week of Christmas! This holiday is not about all the gifts, parties, food, and music...but a baby born in a manager. We make it so complicated and stressful. In the process, we lose sight of the most important thing when filled with many other good things. My goal this week was to find ways to increase simplicity (and decrease stress!). I make things too complicated! QUOTE: "Simplicity is the essence of happiness." - Cedric Bledsoe HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I was surprised to discover simpler ways of doing tasks this week and had many good outcomes with my changes. Here's a few of my favorite happenings: The hard way : Agonizing to decide specific 2020 goals within my yearly theme and trying to come up with answers for the goals template I found online (where I want to go, what I want to learn, etc.). This felt harder than it needed to be! Simple...