Nudge Challenge Week 26 = Imperfection

NUDGED: "Do something I am bad at"

BACKSTORY: Last year, I read "The Road Back to You" and learned about the Enneagram. I discovered that I am a One - The Perfectionist. The author, Ian Morgan Cron, listed 10 Paths to Transformation for each number and I knew the items on the list would be beneficial for me to work on. This nudge comes from #7 on his list - "Pick up a hobby you enjoy but are not especially good at doing, and just do it for the love of it."

QUOTE: "We don't have time for perfect. In any event, perfection is unachievable: It's a myth and a trap and a hamster wheel that will run you to death. The writer Rebecca Solnit puts it well: 'So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible, and the fun...'" - Elizabeth Gilbert in "Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: My perfectionist tendencies were confronted head-on this week....once I started on Thursday. I put it off for several days first as I knew it would be a challenge.

Handlettering was the the first idea that came to mind for this week. I took a class on it last year and really enjoyed it. I bought an instructional book on it and some special pens to keep learning....but haven't continued with it due to my inability. Months ago, I spent time writing each letter repeatedly but felt I wasn't learning fast enough and gave up. I don't like it when I am not good at something!

On Thursday evening, I spent some time handlettering. Oddly enough, it was easier this time around. I kept thinking "embrace the suck" (and even wrote the phrase!). It felt like learning how to write when I was in first grade, and I knew I have to stick with it now like I did then if I ever want to be proficient.

Instead of continuing to write each letter individually hundreds of times (ha!), I decided to start writing words. Last time I got stuck into the mechanics of forming each letter that I was not writing perfectly and felt defeated. Words were better. It didn't look good at first, but it helped me see the bigger picture of what I was trying to do.

My words will get better over time as I practice more and more. I also may eventually develop my own style of lettering. I actually feel motivated to keep trying! 


- It doesn't have to be perfect (I should tattoo this on my body where I can see it often!). Imperfections made handlettering words look better so I shouldn't worry so much. Messy is in!

- It helped going in to this challenge knowing it would be bad and preparing for it, rather than doing it, failing, then quitting. Maybe I need to lower my expectations on other tasks I am putting off so that I will be pleasantly surprised with how it turns out?!

NEXT UP: New nudge has been selected for this week: "try a new food from a menu". I'm not known to be adventurous with what I eat, but I will give it a try this week. This might be the week I discover a new food I love...or the week I find a new food I will not try again. Ha!


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