Two Weeks of Connect - Update!

Today is two weeks since I started my "connect" journey for 2016. A friend asked me this morning how my word was going. I really appreciate that she genuinely cared, but it was difficult for me to give an update. Most of the work is done internally and is not easily quantifiable with numbers and hard facts. I know I am growing and learning all of the time, had have made positive steps in the right direction. For my benefit, here are a few lessons I have learned these last few weeks about connecting.

I discovered there are two sides of me as I have dual roles in life. There is the personal side that involves my hobbies, passions and interests, and the wife side that has duties to the home and to my husband. Both are important, but I found I was spending the majority of my time in the wife role. The personal side of me received little time and it was of poor quality. I have been intentional about spending more time in the personal side then and doing those things that I enjoy. It recharges me to be a better wife, and makes me happier. I feel more peace and less resentment. More balanced. It has helped to connect these two sides of me and see they are inter-related, and learn that both sides need to feel connected to their own needs.

We have had health issues plague us again this year. In the past I would keep this issues to myself and bottle everything up. This year, I have shared our struggles with a group of prayer warriors. These amazing women are so supportive and encouraging, and have lifted us up in prayer daily. I also have the privilege of praying for them too and knowing details of their life. It has increased my feeling of being connected with others and has given me a sense of peace I can't describe. It was the essential piece I was missing before. I am so blessed to be surrounded by great people, I just needed to open my mouth!

I also just joined an online group of like-minded women that value faith and fitness. This group just began but I can already see lots of potential. It is just another way for me to open up and connect with others.

I am spending more time talking to my coworkers too. I find it can only be five or ten minutes, but I feel more connected to my work and those who I see all the time. When I look back over my day, those conversations are usually the highlights. I hope to continue this new practice and do it so much that it becomes a habit and feels comfortable and normal. I'm not there yet.

I'm taking good steps towards my goal of connecting, but I need to continue to open myself up to opportunities. This may mean being vulnerable or sacrificing my personal time, but there is tremendous growth lying ahead for me this year. I just know it.


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