Nudge Challenge Week 36 = Video Learning
NUDGED: "Learn something new from a Youtube video" BACKSTORY: I used to love watching Reading Rainbow, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, and Sesame Street. These shows, along with many others, combined visuals and lessons that stuck with me. I still love learning new things, but I don't often use online videos for help. I get information in many other ways and forget to try it as a resource. This week, I wanted to check it out and see what I could learn from online videos. What kinds of things could I learn about? Would the information be reliable and accurate? QUOTE: "Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." - Anthony J. D'Angelo HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I watched three videos on Youtube this week. Each were different from the others in what I learned. It gave me a good perspective on the types of information available on the internet (spoiler alert - EVERYTHING can be found online). 1) I watched a TedTalk on how to be...