2015: Let It Go
At the end of each year, I spend time in reflection considering the
events that occurred in the year. This usually brings up good and bad memories
and lots of lessons learned (“growth opportunities” – ha!). For the past
several years, I also write responses to a list of questions so that my
personal history will be remembered. I treasure this information.
This year, I really enjoyed writing about my best moment(s) of the
year. I could sum it up in three words: let it go. Those three words were my
theme for the year and helped me grow in ways I never could have imagined. I
continually pictured this theme as having “open hands” as I learned to surrender.
- I let go of seven bags and two boxes of clothes, shoes, blankets, jackets, games, books and decorations after inspiration from a popular decluttering method. An extensive office remodel also helped with the decluttering and purging efforts at work!
- I let go of my “saving it for later” instinct and actually used extra possessions I was saving. This included burning through pretty candles, using nice stationary sets, and using pretty towels and bath sets.
- I let go of past insecurities and toxic relationships. I chose to finally end that drama in my life.
- I let go of past hurts and pains with a healing ministry at church.
- I let go of extra weight (25 lbs!) and began a healthier lifestyle with the help of an online fitness community and supportive group of badass women.
- I let go of countless bags of papers, books, and textbooks in an effort to go paperless. While I am not there yet, I am making progress. It helps to have an online storage system for select few papers I want to keep.
- I let go of fears about money and not having enough when health issues rocked our world.
- I let go of commitments that I didn't enjoy. No more committee meetings for me.
- I let go of membership at my family's church where I grew up when God lead me to a new church.
- I let go of self-consciousness and participated in a dance fitness class each week at church. It didn't always look good, but it was fun!
- I let go of my car I had for 11 years and got a new one that I love!
I am super proud of myself for the progress I made this past year. It
was not easy! Much of it required me to get out of my comfort zone and out of my
own way. This post serves to acknowledge my accomplishments (go me!), as well
as to remind myself on the dark days that I can do anything.
Let’s hope 2016 is just as memorable for me!
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