Nudge Challenge Week 100 = Review & Celebrate!
NUDGED: "Review all my past nudges" and celebrate! BACKSTORY: I can't believe this is my 100th nudge! I began this project on October 14, 2018, after being inspired by the 52Nudges blog . I desired to have more joy in my life and to get out of my comfort zone. I wanted to accomplish things instead of just talking about them and saying "someday". These nudges have challenged me and helped me grow in so many ways. For this 100th nudge, I wanted to look back at all my previous nudges. What were my favorites? Which ones were the most difficult? Which things have I continued to do after the week's challenged ended? What have I learned? QUOTE: REVIEW: My first nudge was "Change my routine" on October 14, 2018. That week was difficult as I was kicking off this new nudges project and really wanted it to go well. While it was difficult to change my schedule (I'm a planner!), I found myself happier afterward and was motivated to continue tackling mor...