
Nudge Challenge Week 100 = Review & Celebrate!

NUDGED: "Review all my past nudges" and celebrate! BACKSTORY: I can't believe this is my 100th nudge! I began this project on October 14, 2018, after being inspired by the 52Nudges blog . I desired to have more joy in my life and to get out of my comfort zone. I wanted to accomplish things instead of just talking about them and saying "someday". These nudges have challenged me and helped me grow in so many ways. For this 100th nudge, I wanted to look back at all my previous nudges. What were my favorites? Which ones were the most difficult? Which things have I continued to do after the week's challenged ended? What have I learned?  QUOTE:  REVIEW: My first nudge was "Change my routine" on October 14, 2018. That week was difficult as I was kicking off this new nudges project and really wanted it to go well. While it was difficult to change my schedule (I'm a planner!), I found myself happier afterward and was motivated to continue tackling mor...

Nudge Challenge Week 99 = Basket O'Fun

NUDGED: "Put together a gift basket for myself" BACKSTORY: I have come across a handful of special baskets at other peoples' houses. Instead of being decorative, these baskets have been put to use and filled with all kinds of good things. They are mobile fun units. They are usually located in the living room, and contain things such as coloring books, colored pencils, books, art supplies, etc.. The baskets can be pulled out and enjoyed at any time. I really like this idea but never created one for myself....until this nudge! QUOTE: "Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun." - Randy Pausch HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: This was a fun nudge to tackle! I first found a blue plastic tote that was storing holiday decorations, and moved those items into a cloth bag. I really wanted to use what I had available and not spend any money on completing this nudge.  I then laid out all the fun things I enjoy doing in my free time. This included coloring books and c...

Nudge Challenge Week 98 = Listening

NUDGED: "Learn from the other side" BACKSTORY: This is a difficult nudge! Our nation feels very divided right now. Everyone has their own opinions on issues, especially when it comes to religion and politics. I know how I stand on these topics too, so I don't listen to reasoning from the other side. But, I want to learn.  This week, I will resist the urge to debate and prove my point. I will lean into my curiosity and really listen. What is their perspective? Why do they feel this way? QUOTE: “Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I began the week by making myself a roadmap of the viewpoints I wanted to learn more about. I wrote down which side of ...

Nudge Challenge Week 97 = History

NUDGED: "Learn something about my city's history" BACKSTORY: I was born and raised in Sioux Falls, and am really proud of this city that I call home. It's a great place to live. I know some of the city's history, but there is always more to learn. I'm going to let curiosity be my guide this week as I discover more about the past. QUOTE: "We are not makers of history. We are made by history." - Martin Luther King Jr. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I was surprised by all the resources that are available to learn history. To learn about my city, I could read historical signs posted at various sites, read one of many books published by local authors, check out local museums or even their online exhibits, view photos and collections from state archives , hear stories on several websites after a simple online search, or even just talk to someone older than me who loved through it. I learned lots of really cool things about my city! Here are some highlights...

Nudge Challenge Week 96B = New Writing

NUDGED: "Write in a new way" (re-do week!) BACKSTORY: My original intent for this nudge was to learn to write in Shorthand like my Grandma did. I have an old book that teaches it, but I have struggled to learn it each time I have tried. It's all dashes and lines to me!  This week, I want to take something "basic" (writing) and do it in a new way. Maybe I will revisit Shorthand this week, or maybe I will try to write in cursive again? Maybe I can try hand-lettering as something new. I love options! QUOTE: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!" HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: Take two! I am finally feeling better, after feeling like I got hit by a bus for 8 days. I am grateful to be healthy again and grateful for all the calls, texts, messages and deliveries this past week. I have the best friends and family! You are so appreciated by me.  I paged though the Gregg Shorthand book. My edition has a date of September 1945! It didn't make a lot of sens...

Nudge Challenge Week 96A = New Writing

NUDGED: "Write in a new way" BACKSTORY: My original intent for this nudge was to learn to write in Shorthand like my Grandma did. I have an old book that teaches it, but I have struggled to learn it each time I have tried. It's all dashes and lines to me!  This week, I want to take something "basic" (writing) and do it in a new way. Maybe I will revisit Shorthand this week, or maybe I will try to write in cursive again? Maybe I can try hand-lettering as something new. I love options! QUOTE: "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him about your plans." - Woody Allen HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK:  I started the week with writing in cursive. I usually print and haven't used cursive for decades. It was slow at first! I had to think about each letter and write it slowly. It took me 10x longer to write! I wanted to keep with it though, and was curious to see if my writing got better the more I did it.  Then, my plans changed and week derailed with a number: 10...

Nudge Challenge Week 95 = Coffee & Journaling

NUDGED: "Take journal to coffee shop for 1 hour" BACKSTORY: This was a newer nudge I added at the beginning of the year to help me do more fun things that I enjoy...but then COVID happened. I kept pulling this nudge during several weeks, only to throw it back because coffee shops were closed. Boo!  While many coffee shops are still closed, the drive thrus are open and many still need business. It's time for me to figure out my new normal, so I accepted the nudge this week with the extra challenge of completing it during a pandemic.  I don't see myself actually sitting in a coffee shop and journaling, but I will find another nice, safe spot to enjoy writing with coffee. I want to make it work this week!  QUOTE: "Reading is my inhale and writing is my exhale." - Glennon Doyle in "Carry On, Warrior" (This quote deeply resonates with me!) HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I'm surprised at how difficult it was to complete this nudge, considering in the availa...