Nudge Challenge Week 57 = Memorized?
NUDGED: "Memorize a Psalm" BACKSTORY: Memorizing Scripture verses has been a long-time goal of mine. I want my mind to ruminate on good things, and I appreciate how the right verse often comes to mind during times of stress and anxiety. I have gotten out of the practice of memorization lately though. I also wanted to challenge myself this week to memorize more than just a line or two, but an entire Psalm. Why? I love the wisdom and beauty of the Psalms, and how they speak to every mood. I know it is possible as other people have memorized Psalms or entire chapters of the New Testament. But, can I do it? QUOTE: "I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture... No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends." - Chuck Swindoll HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I picked Psalm 16 to memorize this week, as it is one of my favorites. It has 11 verses. I made my plan early in the week...