Nudge Challenge Week 40 = No Distractions
NUDGED: "Write for 1 hour with no interruptions" BACKSTORY: I enjoy writing but find I do it in short periods of time a lot recently - ten minutes here, five minutes to jot down an idea there. My mind is always racing from one thing to the next. I get interrupted and distracted a lot. What would happen if I forced myself to write for one hour without any interruptions or distractions? Would I run out of words to say before my hand cramps? I was determined to find out with this challenge! QUOTE: "Multitasking is the art of doing twice as much as you should half as well as you could." - Anonymous HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: I prepared my space with paper, pens, glass of water, a blanket and a lap desk. I then set the timer on my phone and put it out of my reach so I wouldn't be distracted. I gave myself an hour to write. As a thought pertaining to this nudge came to me, I jotted it down to remember how the hour felt. Here's a few thoughts that occurred t...