Nudge Challenge Week 49 = A New Place
NUDGED: "Go to a new place in my city" BACKSTORY: I decided to add this nudge a few months ago after my patriotic week. That week in July, I went to two new local places that I had never been to before, even though I have lived in this same city for most of my life. I realized that there are other places within my city that I haven't been to yet. Time to try a new place again! QUOTE: "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: In some ways, this was not a new and scary challenge for me. My husband and I have a list of restaurants in our city that are new or places we haven't eaten at yet. It is a long list! We try out new places about once a week, to show our support to new restaurants and find new favorite places. We have been doing this for years now. Incredibly enough, our list continues t...