Nudge Challenge Week 31 = Sleep
NUDGED: "Get 8 hours of sleep every night for one week" BACKSTORY: I have read enough books and blogs to know that getting enough sleep is very important for our health....but sometimes, my actions don't match my good intentions. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night sounds easy in theory (ha!!) but it doesn't always turn out that way for me. I wanted to challenge myself this week to try it then and see how I felt being well-rested for one week in my life. QUOTE: "Most experts agree that sleep and mood are closely related, that healthy sleep can enhance emotional well-being, while insufficient quantity or quality of sleep can adversely affect it." - Dr. Andrew Weil in his book "Spontaneous Happiness" HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK: This week was a struggle but I did my best! My goal was to be in bed by 9:30pm each night so I could ensure sufficient sleep before getting up at 6am each day. I ended up getting to bed before 10pm each night and fe...