
Showing posts from January, 2016

Lists, Family, Friends

Oh man. Yesterday I created an Epic List of Quests that I want to complete in my lifetime, thanks to the inspiration from Nerd Fitness and the founder’s new book. My list both inspires me and terrifies me. It includes all the things I have always said I wanted to do (but never do!) and all the things I have never verbalized that I wanted to do (but want to do). I am hoping it will keep me accountable and make my life more fun! One of the quests I have is to write a little every day. Enter this blog. Today is Thursday, which is also known as Grandma Lunch Day! We have a standing date each week to have lunch together, which she makes at her apartment and I eat. It works well for both of us. I really enjoy this time each week to connect with her and any other family members that come (cousins, uncles, friends, neighbors). I get caught up on all the latest family gossip during our meal and have a chance to discuss what is happening in my life to a very sympathetic ear. She is so s...

Two Weeks of Connect - Update!

Today is two weeks since I started my "connect" journey for 2016. A friend asked me this morning how my word was going. I really appreciate that she genuinely cared, but it was difficult for me to give an update. Most of the work is done internally and is not easily quantifiable with numbers and hard facts. I know I am growing and learning all of the time, had have made positive steps in the right direction. For my benefit, here are a few lessons I have learned these last few weeks about connecting. I discovered there are two sides of me as I have dual roles in life. There is the personal side that involves my hobbies, passions and interests, and the wife side that has duties to the home and to my husband. Both are important, but I found I was spending the majority of my time in the wife role. The personal side of me received little time and it was of poor quality. I have been intentional about spending more time in the personal side then and doing those things that I enjoy...

Let's go - Happy 2016!

It's time! After weeks of planning and preparations, the new year has come and time for my new theme of "connect" to be put into action. I am excited to see how this year goes, but nervous at the same time. Despite not feeling well for a portion of the day, I still managed to start on my theme! While my husband was busy enjoying a day with his friends, I spent the day working on my hobbies to connect with my passion. I did some writing, reading, worked on a puzzle, watched a movie, and took a bath. It was a good day! I also connected with online friends to get suggestions and resources for my theme, as well as offered my recommendations for those that were curious and didn't want to ask. This was also a scary step for me to take, but it was necessary and important. If I can only help one person, my vulnerability was worth it. I decided being vulnerable and opening up to share my truth would be a big part of connecting with others. Inspiration is so weird - you nev...